It’s a familiar tale. The young man sees me for advice on how to talk to girls. The husband comes in confused that his wife says he doesn’t talk to her anymore. The adolescent says his parents never listen to him. The employee comes in stressed because the boss never listens to them or any other staff. The boss arrives in my office to say he doesn’t understand his staff and he’s had it with them. It’s all about communication and how to do it. It’s an easy solution, but it does take time to learn. But then the benefits are huge.
The way the message is delivered always affects the way that the message is actually received.
So, what are the guidelines?
What are the pointers that make communication easily understood and enjoyable?
What are the tips that take the struggle out of it all? This book gives those hints.
Countless clients have sat in my office wanting to know how to communicate effectively or else bemoaning the fact that they “goofed up” in a relationship and left it feeling badly. Sometimes they may sabotage the relationship irretrievably. I’ve had others relate a story to me about how they communicated and then ask me for advice as to whether they had done or were doing the right thing. I have had clients from all walks of life; some who were professionals or from the shop floor, from intact or blended families, from the city or the country, from various cultures, religions and countries all ask about how to communicate more effectively.
So, if you feel like you’re struggling, in your communication OR could do better join the club – it’s the common experience of people everywhere.
It doesn’t however, have to be this way. This book shows how to make sure that everyone can communicate appropriately.
It’s amazing really isn’t it to think that for almost all of us, we have had more training in learning to drive a car, use a computer or work our mobile phone than we have ever had in learning to effectively communicate!
I received plenty of lessons at school in maths, physics, history and so on, but nothing on effective communication and listening. Certainly, my parents gave it their best shot, and they gave guidance whenever they could, but not once did anyone simply explain the principles outlined in this book.
For some strange reason, we seem to believe that because we have two ears and can talk, that someone or other we are automatically deemed to be effective communicators.
Wrong! Nothing can be further from the truth. We all need to learn skills.
Being a good communicator is a skill that is learned and typically learned on the job in the game of life!
The good Lord gave you two ears and one mouth and you should use them in that proportion.
You have read this far because you care, and that means there’s hope.
The simple fact is that a small number of strikingly effective and simple techniques are just a few moments away for only the fraction of a half hour consultancy. That’s why I wrote the book – to empower you with the same techniques that would cost you hundreds, possibly thousands of dollars during a face-to-face consultations or training workshops. Indeed, if a qualified consultant had to just sit here and read the book to you, the charge in time alone would be well over 500 dollars.
But this is nothing. Is there a cost to pain? Is there a price on despair? What price do you place on an investment that can very quickly resolve huge issues with your partner, your work peers, your direct reports, and enable you to form a new understanding – a new awareness – that can not only revolutionise your relationships now, but have repercussions in your career and your business.
You get the entire book professionally narrated for you in MP3 format, so you can listen in the car or on your iPod. Instead of a 500 dollar consultancy why not invest just US$9 in your own future and your own peace of mind right now.
On the other hand, as you read this, thousands of frustrated people – kind, honest, concerned people like you are desperately clinging on to old ways of communicating that stop them understanding themselves, their family, their friends, or their clients with consequences that can be utterly dismal. It simply requires a new understanding, a few ideas that can help build a new bridge between you and those around you.
What you have to lose is incalculable. What you can gain is beyond measure.
Do this, do this right now and in a few moments this audio book will download to your computer ready for results that can amaze you.

Your investment for this audiobook is US$9. You get the entire book professionally narrated for you in MP3 format, so you can listen in the car or on your iPod or any other device.